Monday, April 8, 2013

UPDATE-Wedding reception-white maize quality scandal-recommendations

On Saturday April 6, Linda and I attended a wedding reception of one of the ladies working at the ACE office where I go.  This is my host organization.   We were invited to the reception on Friday.   The wedding was in an Anglican church prior.   We go there around 2pm and left at 5:40 or so.  Just before dark.  6am-6pm are pretty much it for daylight.  

We are about 14 degrees south of the equator.   So, day lenghth is pretty even throughout.  

Back to the reception.  Lots of people having fun.  The bridal procession took 5-10 minutes per couple,  They did not walk soldierly but rather a sort of dance swagger.  Master of Ceromonies who was alively man of at least 55 I would say.   Two tents, one for each family.  

But the big deal was the throwing of kwacha(Malawai currency) at the bride and groom.   Everyone through some, your s truly included.   I did not swagger.   It really was nice, friendly but sure was different.

Big deal over the weekend was the white maize quality scandal.  It was announced Friday that 60,000 tonnes of maize stored in the Government Strategic Reserve Warehouse in Lilongwe was rotting.  Now it could all be rotting--but you never know about the press.  It could be one silo in a 60,000 tonne warehouse.   But this happens when maize, the national food, crop, and treasure, is in short supply.   The price last harvest(a year ago) went from around 50-60 Kwacha per per kg(It takes 400 kwach to make one US$, up to over 150 kwacha per kg.  

So, difficult to find maize to eat now.  The national dish is nzima, a sort of doughy tortilla.  Not much protein but makes you feel full. 

So, the quality problem plus 140,000 tonnes of white maize illegally leaving the country has the business in an uproar. 

Today I spent in the office working on reports and a couple of meetings.   The after noon meeting was regarding my recomendations about the warehouse operation.   Pre numbering of tickets etc.   This group is planning to grow by 2.5 X in the next 60 days, so they need to be ready. It was a good conversation and I think so far the recommendations have been well accepted.  Will meet again at 10 am on Tuesday as we only got about 25% through the list.   Am enjoying this. 

One of the things ACE will have to deal with is the division of responsibilites and duties.   There is some uncertainty there now.   Not unusual, but involves some detail.   Also dealing with warehouse shrink and some other issues. 

Monday evening we visited a couple we had met at church Sunday who are teachers at the AFRICAN BIBLE COLLEGE here.   In their early 30s.   From Streamwood IL and his father who is about my age was raised in Herrin IL---so it was sort of like home. 

Will be wrapping up recomendations and report this week.  

Some talented people here trying make a difference in a difficult economic situation.   Really have to watch closely to see the rural people progress the way the ACE people would like to see.


Jim Traub

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