Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday evening 9pm in Malawai and 2pm Monday in Illinois.

Just had a hard rain--only the second since we have been here.   Today Monday was an official down day as they have Easter Monday as a holiday for most/many offices.  So am working on reports and observations.  

English is well spoken here so there is a daily English speaking newspaper.  Since Lilongwe is the capital,  politics rules.    There are two parties best I can tell.  The DPP(Democrat Progressive Party) and the PP(Peoples Party)

The PP is now in power and the President returned today from a trip to the US.   The DPP was going to have a rally on the roads from Lilongwe heading north about 160 km(100 miles).   But, they were asked to cancell because the Pres is coming into the airport and there would be congestion.   A little lame I think but the DPP kindly rescheduled for tomoro.  

Tomorow, we will head south to visit another grain warehouse that ACE,  the host for which I am volunteering, operates.   This has the most potential so far as it is near a couple of rail lines(or so it seems) and should offer attractive services to the farmers.  

We will stay overnight one night in the town of Zomba, the former capital.  On Wednesday, we will visit something called the Millenium Village---not sure if this came out of the Washington DC idea mill or if it is Malawian.   This may be our best chance to see wildlife.  

I hate to sound like a broken record but I think these folks need to expand their soy at the partial expense of corn.(sound familiar).   But here the reasons are more compelling--price, expanding local market for feed manufacturing, export controls on corn, and the ability to turn soy into protein in the human diet at the community level, and the need to move away from a monoculture of maize.  

Banking and credit also are key as well as secondary roads.     My major thinking problem this week is how to evaluate the value of additional space to "investors".  Right now, through the ACE system, the bulk of the returns go to the farmer, and the space costs enure to ACE.  However, ACE is trying to "wean" the locals from ACE operating.  That means the locals get space for no investment, but must charge themselves enough for service fees to pay the bills.  Always difficult for "groups", "associations" , and coops to do.   

Linda is really helpful.   I am happy she agreed to come along.

Talk tomorow.   

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